To address issues such as high workload, tedious manual operations, mechanical repetitive tasks, and error-prone processes in managing and maintaining expert databases, a Python-based expert database service module has been developed. This module enables automatic extraction and input of expert information, intelligent mining of expert achievements, and automatic generation of appointment letters and certificates of honor. Practical application has shown that after executing the programming code of this module, the successful read rate of 241 expert application forms can reach 92.95%, and the information accuracy rate of the generated Excel forms can reach 100%. The program design of this module features simple operation and the ability to modify target parameters in the code as needed. It not only greatly improves the efficiency of editing work but also can be integrated with the publishing process to increase the applicability and versatility of the module.
2024,45(5): 183-188 收稿日期:2024-7-15
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