通过对日喀则地震台连续波形资料的分析,按照年、季度、月、日等不同时间截点计算台站背景噪声RMS值,并采用噪声功率谱概率密度方法得到相应概率密度函数,结果表明,该台观测环境变化对观测数据质量造成显著影响,台基背景噪声水平由Ⅰ类下降至Ⅱ类。随着日喀则城市化发展,台站周边自建住宅及机动车数量不断增加,导致人为干扰噪声日益明显,且均表现为高频干扰(1—30 Hz),建议地震计采用观测山洞或者井下安装方式,以有效抑制高频、短周期等人为活动造成的强干扰。
Using the three-component continuous waveform data observed by the Shigatse Seismic Station, the noise power spectrum probability density method was applied to calculate the corresponding background noise RMS value and noise power spectrum density for the time scales of year, season, day, etc. The study found that the changes in the observation environment of the Shigatse Seismic Station had an impact on its seismic observation, and the noise level at the station base had been reduced from ClassⅠto Class Ⅱ. With the rapid development of urbanization in the country, the number of self-built houses around the Shigatse Seismic Station has increased, and the number of vehicles driving on the road has increased. Vehicle interference, construction interference, and other artificial noise are the main sources of interference that affect the seismic observation of the Shigatse Seismic Station, mainly manifested as high-frequency information (1-30 Hz). High-frequency interference is the main source of noise in earthquake observation. It is recommended that seismometers be installed in caves and underground to effectively reduce strong interference caused by high-frequency, short-period, and other human activities.
2024,45(5): 67-73 收稿日期:2024-5-24
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