The survey, selection, and construction process of Minfeng Satellite Seismic Station were reviewed, in which:①In station exploration and selection, the EDAS-24IP data collector and short-period seismometer CMG-40T-1 were used for data recording. The analysis showed that the proposed station site reached class I station base noise level and the area was sunny with fewerinterference sources, which was suitable for the construction of seismic stations. ②During the construction of the station, the main structure is constructed according to the relevant specifications, the solar power supply system, equipment, data security, and other factors are fully considered, and the satellite communication mode is adopted for data transmission.③After the station is completed, the RMS value and power spectral density of the background noise at the station base are recalculated, and the noise level at the station base is determined to be class I. During the trial operation of the station, the instrument was calibrated. The pulse and sine calibration waveforms were good and met the calibration requirements.
2024,45(5): 60-66 收稿日期:2024-5-6
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