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Design and Implementation of Flow Geomagnetic Survey Recording Software Based on Windows Mobile 6 System
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 朱成林1)2),贾 媛1)3),韩海华1)2),李建奎1)2),佟瑞清1)2)
ZHU Chenglin1)2), JIA Yuan1)3), HAN Haihua1)2), Li Jiankui1)2), TONG Ruiqing1)2)
- 作者单位:
- 1) 中国济南250014山东省地震局 2) 中国济南250014山东省地震预报研究中心 3) 中国济南 250021山东省地震工程研究院
1) Earthquake Bureau of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014 2) Shandong Earthquake Prediction Research Center, Jinan 250014 3) Shandong Institute of Earthquake Engineering, Jinan 250021
- 关键词:
- 地震;流动地磁;VS2008;Windows Mobile; PDA; 记录软件;
earthquake; flow geomagnetic; VS2008; Windows Mobile; PDA; recording software;
- 摘要:
- 目前流磁测量作业中一般通过填写纸质记录表记录和检核观测数据,存在作业效率不高和不便数据存储、传输、存档和后续调用处理等问题。为此,在分析电子记录可行性的基础上,利用VS2008在WM6平台,开发流磁测量PDA记录软件。应用表明,该项工作对改进已有观测技术、优化数据管理方面,具有实践和借鉴意义。
During the operation of flow geomagnetic survey currently, paper record sheet is generally filled for recording and checking observations, which has some problems such as low operational efficiency and no easy of observation data storage, transmission, archiving and subsequent calls processing. So, this paper developed the flow geomagnetic survey recording PDA software Based on Windows Mobile 6 System with VS2008, upon analyzing the feasibility of electronic recording. The practice tells that the try in this paper has practical referential significance to improving observation technology and optimizing data management.